The ‘caveat’ MLB requires to allow trading draft picks

And an educated guess as to why MLB would require such a weird caveat in the first place.

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During the All-Star break, the idea of trading MLB draft picks came up. At the time, I was cautiously in favor of this kind of change to the available transaction options:

Without thinking too much on it, it feels like this would be a net positive for the league, to allow for this like other sports do. Especially given that the shorter draft and fewer minor-league clubs post-disaffiliation means it’s a little tougher to find advantages on the farm these days than it used to be: maybe the team that’ll exploit this rule for positive reasons can outweigh the sins of those who will simply use it as yet another excuse for not spending or trying. But I don’t want to underestimate just how annoying and exploitative that second group can be, either.

“Cautiously,” because as I said, I hadn’t thought too much on it just yet, and there are certainly teams who might abuse the system, or some wrinkle that’ll come up that would make it a goofy and convoluted idea instead of a straightforward one.

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