An announcement! The good kind!

A little update on me and this newsletter and also everything else.

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Good morning, Marvin Miller’s Mustache readers. I’ve got a bit of news to share, and it involves this newsletter a bit. First thing: I accepted an offer for a full-time gig last week, and I start next week. I can’t say where it is yet, but everyone will know in just a few days, anyway.

It’s an editing/writing position, so, I get to stick around in an industry that I was pretty sure I was only going to be allowed to remain in as a freelancer and creator of a couple of independent publications. It’s hard not to think those things when you’ve been unemployed since late-2018 despite applying to a whole bunch of other jobs, but such is the state of said industry. Here goes, though, I’m getting another shot, and I’m thrilled for it.

Second: how does that impact the newsletter? Not very much! My freelancing and newsletters can continue on, so long as I’ve got the time for them and they don’t interfere with the day job. All that means for this newsletter is that you might see me a little less often than you normally do, especially when the news for my particular beat is quiet, but it’s not going anywhere. I’ve still got collective bargaining shenanigans to cover, and revenue-sharing, and public subsidies, and [remembers yesterday’s topic about MLB erasing “diversity” from its website] yeah there’s still going to be lots to cover.

The same goes for Retro XP, for those of you who read both newsletters: I’ll no longer be aiming for quite as many entries there each month, since those are pretty involved in terms of having to play the game and research it and then write about it, but I’m still going to be hoping to get two per week published. Those bees are still in my head and all and I’ve got to get them out.

I’ll also still be appearing at Baseball Prospectus and Paste Magazine with my usual frequency, so this new job is not the end of reading me the way you’re used to doing. So, I’d like to thank everyone for helping me stick around in the industry to this point by supporting my independent work: if not for your readership and patronage, I’d have had to leave all of this behind a long time ago now. I hope to still have you stick with me into the future, too, as I plan to still be here writing for you.